Podcast Episode
December 6, 2023

Running High: Exploring the Science & Joy of Movement with Kelly McGonigal

Key Takeaways:

  • Physical activity significantly enhances happiness, love, gratitude, confidence, and life meaning.
  • Moderate intensity movement for about 20 minutes triggers the release of endocannabinoids, contributing to the runner's high.
  • Moving with others in synchrony or with a shared purpose releases endorphins and oxytocin, fostering bonding and bravery.
  • Muscles act as endocrine organs, producing beneficial chemicals that influence the immune system, cardiovascular system, metabolism, and brain.
For further analysis, we broke down the data by wearable device:
For further analysis, we broke down the data by wearable device:
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Show Notes

Discover the transformative power of movement in this enlightening episode of The Blueprint. Our guest, Kelly McGonigal, a renowned researcher and author, delves into the profound impact that physical activity and exercise have on our mental and emotional well-being. From the euphoria of the runner's high to the communal joy of dancing, Kelly explores how movement shapes our experience of life, happiness, and personal growth.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • How physical activity enhances happiness and life satisfaction.
  • The science behind the runner's high and the role of endocannabinoids.
  • The impact of music on our performance during exercise.
  • How movement can be a tool for surviving hard times and fostering resilience.
  • The fascinating role of muscles as endocrine organs, releasing beneficial chemicals during exercise.

Quotable Moments

  • "When you look at the activities that most of us are drawn to, they either bring out what is best in us, our courage, our creativity, our competitiveness, our persistence." - Kelly McGonigal
  • "Movement gives you an opportunity to tap into the brain's natural capacity to give you chemicals that make you feel good, that make you confident, that help you connect with other people that give you hope." - Kelly McGonigal
  • "I think movement is full of opportunities to experience discoveries like this because movements have this, this kind of metaphorical meaning." - Kelly McGonigal
  • "Your muscles act like an endocrine organ. That means they manufacture all these different chemicals that influence every system of your body." - Kelly McGonigal
For further analysis, we broke down the data:
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For further analysis, we broke down the data by wearable device:
  • Physical activity significantly enhances happiness, love, gratitude, confidence, and life meaning.
  • Moderate intensity movement for about 20 minutes triggers the release of endocannabinoids, contributing to the runner's high.
  • Moving with others in synchrony or with a shared purpose releases endorphins and oxytocin, fostering bonding and bravery.
  • Muscles act as endocrine organs, producing beneficial chemicals that influence the immune system, cardiovascular system, metabolism, and brain.
For further analysis, we broke down the data by wearable device:

Show Notes

Discover the transformative power of movement in this enlightening episode of The Blueprint. Our guest, Kelly McGonigal, a renowned researcher and author, delves into the profound impact that physical activity and exercise have on our mental and emotional well-being. From the euphoria of the runner's high to the communal joy of dancing, Kelly explores how movement shapes our experience of life, happiness, and personal growth.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • How physical activity enhances happiness and life satisfaction.
  • The science behind the runner's high and the role of endocannabinoids.
  • The impact of music on our performance during exercise.
  • How movement can be a tool for surviving hard times and fostering resilience.
  • The fascinating role of muscles as endocrine organs, releasing beneficial chemicals during exercise.

Quotable Moments

  • "When you look at the activities that most of us are drawn to, they either bring out what is best in us, our courage, our creativity, our competitiveness, our persistence." - Kelly McGonigal
  • "Movement gives you an opportunity to tap into the brain's natural capacity to give you chemicals that make you feel good, that make you confident, that help you connect with other people that give you hope." - Kelly McGonigal
  • "I think movement is full of opportunities to experience discoveries like this because movements have this, this kind of metaphorical meaning." - Kelly McGonigal
  • "Your muscles act like an endocrine organ. That means they manufacture all these different chemicals that influence every system of your body." - Kelly McGonigal

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