Podcast Episode
May 5, 2024

How to Train for Pickleball: Pro Tips

Key Takeaways:

For further analysis, we broke down the data by wearable device:
For further analysis, we broke down the data by wearable device:
Cite this page:

Korem, E., “How to Train for Pickleball: Pro Tips”, May 6, 2024,


Pickleball, the fastest-growing sport in the U.S. according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, combines elements of badminton, tennis, and ping-pong, making it an exciting and accessible game. Training effectively for pickleball is essential not only for enjoyment but also for excelling in competitive play. 

Regardless of age or skill level, understanding the fundamentals of training can greatly enhance your game experience and help you play your best pickleball.

Understanding the Basics of Pickleball


Pickleball is played on a court similar to a badminton court, using a paddle (smaller than a tennis racquet but larger than a ping-pong paddle) and a plastic ball with holes. Training should focus on mastering the equipment and the basic rules that define the game.

Key Techniques

  • Serving: Essential for starting play, requires precision and power.
  • Volley: Quick, short strokes made in the air, crucial for fast-paced exchanges.
  • Dink: A soft shot aimed at landing the ball just over the net in the opponent's non-volley zone.
  • Groundstroke: Hits taken after the ball bounces, fundamental for baseline play.

Creating a Personalized Training Plan

Setting Goals

Start by evaluating your current skill levels on the pickleball court to establish specific, achievable goals. Whether aiming to enhance your serve or master dinks, setting clear objectives is essential. These goals guide your practice, helping you focus on areas like improving your forehand or increasing your hand-eye coordination.

Training Balance

Develop a comprehensive training plan that encompasses all aspects of pickleball:

Technical Skills (Pickleball exercises): Focus on refining your serving, volleying, and groundstrokes to improve both power and accuracy.

Strategic Understanding: Learn effective shot selection and optimal court positioning to outmaneuver opponents.

Physical Conditioning: Build your core muscles, leg muscles, and overall endurance to enhance agility and strength. Technology, such as the AIM7 app, plays a crucial role in tailoring your training plan to meet your specific needs, enabling you to monitor your progress and adjust your regimen as you evolve.

Technical Skills Training


Concentrate on serving techniques that maximize power and accuracy, crucial for gaining the upper hand in matches. Regular practice of various serves can keep your opponents guessing and off-balance, essential for winning points early.


Enhancing your volleying skills is vital, as well as focusing on improving reaction time and precision. Engage in drills that replicate fast-paced volley exchanges to better handle rapid gameplay, which is crucial for maintaining control during volleys.


Master the art of dinking by practicing different angles and speeds is essential for strategic play near the net. Effective dinking with soft hands allows for precise placement, making it a critical skill in your arsenal.


Boost the consistency and power of your groundstrokes through dedicated practice focusing on your core and lower body strength. This training is fundamental for delivering powerful shots from the baseline.

Strategic Play and Game Intelligence

Game Strategies

Deepen your understanding of game strategies, such as deciding when to execute dinks versus power drives and reading your opponent’s positioning. Tailored drills can sharpen your strategic thinking and decision-making, enhancing your overall game intelligence.

Drills for Better Play

Incorporate specific drills that mimic real-game scenarios to refine your shot selection and strategic play. Focus on improving your agility and ability to quickly change direction, which are vital for effective court movement and positioning.

Physical Conditioning for Pickleball

Many pickleball players are solely focused on playing, neglecting the importance of off-court training — leading to muscle imbalances, poor movement patterns, and increased risk of injury. Without addressing these underlying issues through targeted strength and mobility training, pickleball players may find themselves sidelined by injuries or unable to improve their skills and perform at their best.

Strength Training for Primary Muscle Groups

Pickleball players should engage in at least two total body strength training sessions per week that target all the major muscle groups: chest, glutes, hamstrings, quads, lower back, lats, biceps, triceps, calves, and more. 

A well-designed resistance plan should target the major movement patterns: push, pull, hinge, squat, twist, and carry. These movements are functional for daily living and are the foundation of many sporting actions.

Push Push-ups, bench presses, overhead presses, chest press, etc.
Pull Pull-ups, ben-over rows, cable rows, etc.
Squat Barbell squat, kettlebell squat, hack squat, split squat, etc.
Hinge Deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, good mornings, etc.
Twist Medicine ball throws, landmine rotations, windshield wipers, etc.
Carry Farmer's walks, suitcase carries, zercher carries, etc.

Engage in strength training exercises like squats upper body strength exercises for that powerful backhand, kettlebell exercises, barbell/dumbbell lunges, and deadlifts to build the strength of your glutes and leg muscles, essential for powerful and sustained play. 

Don’t ignore bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and various lunging and crawling patterns, as they are highly effective strength training exercises.

Applications like AIM7 can provide convenient set and rep prescriptions to effectively progress your strength abilities and help prevent injury.

Agility Drills

Agility training is a type of exercise that focuses on improving an individual's ability to change direction, accelerate, decelerate, and maintain balance while moving quickly and efficiently. This type of training involves drills and exercises that challenge the body to react and adapt to various stimuli, such as fixed objects like cones, ladders, or obstacles or games with unpredictable movement patterns.

Agility training aims to enhance neuromuscular coordination, reflexes, and overall body control, allowing athletes to move with precision and speed in response to their environment or opponents.

For pickleball players, agility training is particularly beneficial because the sport requires quick side-to-side movements, sudden changes in direction, and the ability to react swiftly to the ball and opponents' actions. Pickleball is played on a smaller court compared to tennis, which means that players need to cover the court quickly and efficiently. 

By incorporating agility training into their fitness routine, pickleball players can improve their footwork, balance, and reaction time, enabling them to reach the ball faster and maintain a strong defensive and offensive presence on the court. Additionally, agility training can help reduce the risk of injuries by preparing the body to handle the demands of the sport and improving overall stability and control during rapid movements.

Endurance Training 

Endurance training is crucial for pickleball players, especially those participating in tournaments, as it enhances their cardiovascular fitness and stamina. Tournaments often involve playing multiple matches in a day, which can be physically and mentally taxing. 

By engaging in endurance training, such as running, cycling, or swimming, pickleball players can improve their cardiovascular endurance, enabling them to maintain a high level of performance throughout lengthy matches and tournaments. This type of training helps players to recover more quickly between points, maintain focus and concentration, and reduce fatigue, which is essential when competing against skilled opponents in high-pressure situations. 

Moreover, having a strong cardiovascular foundation can help pickleball players to execute their shots with greater consistency and power, even as the match progresses and fatigue sets in.

Adding just 60-90 minutes of extra cardio to your exercise routine will enhance your endurance and improve your overall health and well-being. 

Injury Prevention

Preventing injury is paramount for any athlete, and pickleball players are no exception. Mobility, flexibility, and balance exercises can improve range of motion and reduce the risk of falls and strains. 

Research indicates that improving mobility through targeted exercise programs can reduce the risk of injury in various sports. Mobility refers to the ability to move your joints through their full range of motion and to be strong and stable in those positions. 

For instance, a mobile pickleball player should be able to flex their hips, knees, and ankles at the kitchen line to return shots. An immobile player may place undue stress on their lower back from bowing at the waist instead of bending the hips, knees, and ankles to return shots.

There are several areas of the body where poor mobility can lead to pain and injury:

  • Ankles: essential for quick direction changes and to prevent ankle sprains
  • Hips: important hinging, squatting, and rotating 
  • Shoulders: crucial for overhead shots, serving, dinking, and more
  • Knees: critical for squatting and generating force to move quickly

If you are unfamiliar with mobility training, don’t worry. The AIM7 app offers 12-week mobility and prehab programs for shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, lower back, and more.

Regularly incorporating stretches that target the lower back, hamstrings, and shoulder blades can maintain muscle elasticity and prevent tightness. Balance-focused workouts that strengthen the core muscles and improve stability are also beneficial, as they help maintain proper court positioning and reduce the likelihood of awkward movements that could lead to injuries. 

Adopting a routine that includes a warm-up with dynamic stretching before play and a cool-down with static stretches afterward is essential to keep your body in top playing condition.

Practice Matches and Competitive Play

Practice matches play a critical role in transferring skills learned during training into real-game situations. They allow players to experiment with different strategies and techniques in a competitive setting. 

By recording and analyzing these practice games, players can identify areas of weakness and adjust their training focus accordingly. Competitive play also helps in building game intelligence, teaching players when and how to best execute shots like dinks and powerful serves. Regular match play against varied opponents will expose players to different styles, increasing adaptability and overall game acumen.

Mental Toughness and Psychology

The psychological aspect of pickleball cannot be underestimated. Developing mental toughness involves more than just staying focused during a game; it includes managing emotions, handling pressure, and maintaining motivation through both victories and defeats. 

Techniques such as visualization help players mentally rehearse their moves, anticipate opponent actions, and cultivate a winning mindset. Goal-setting is also crucial as it provides clear objectives and a roadmap to achieving them, thereby boosting confidence and providing motivation. 

Players should practice mindfulness and resilience-building exercises regularly to enhance their mental endurance and focus.

Nutrition and Recovery

Optimal performance in pickleball requires more than physical training and technique mastery; it also demands proper nutrition and recovery protocols. A diet rich in lean proteins helps repair and build muscle, while complex carbohydrates provide the energy needed for extended play and practice. 

Incorporating healthy fats aids in inflammation reduction and energy balance. Hydration plays a critical role in maintaining peak physical performance and should not be overlooked. Recovery is just as important as active training, with adequate sleep and rest days essential for allowing muscles to rebuild and strengthen.

Leveraging Technology for Training

Technology can significantly enhance training efficiency and effectiveness in pickleball. Apps like AIM7 offer personalized training programs that adapt to a player’s progress and goals. These platforms provide valuable analytics that track improvements in various aspects of player wellness. 

Virtual coaching and video analysis tools can offer insights that are often missed in real-time play. By integrating technology into training routines, players can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their performance and more rapidly develop their skills.

Joining the Pickleball Community

Being part of the pickleball community extends beyond just playing the game; it involves connecting with other enthusiasts, sharing experiences, and learning from one another. 

Local clubs and online forums are great venues for finding practice partners, discussing strategies, and staying updated on the latest in pickleball gear and techniques. 

Participating in community events can also offer opportunities to compete in tournaments, which are excellent for gauging skill levels against a broader field. Such interactions not only enhance social enjoyment of the sport but also foster a supportive environment that encourages growth and improvement in all aspects of pickleball.

Get a Personalized Pickleball Workout Plan 

Download the AIM7 app today for a comprehensive physical and mental training guide and personalized plans to enhance your pickleball game. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, these pro tips will help elevate your game to new heights.

For further analysis, we broke down the data:
Cite this page:

Korem, E., “How to Train for Pickleball: Pro Tips”, May 6, 2024,

For further analysis, we broke down the data by wearable device:
For further analysis, we broke down the data by wearable device:


Pickleball, the fastest-growing sport in the U.S. according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, combines elements of badminton, tennis, and ping-pong, making it an exciting and accessible game. Training effectively for pickleball is essential not only for enjoyment but also for excelling in competitive play. 

Regardless of age or skill level, understanding the fundamentals of training can greatly enhance your game experience and help you play your best pickleball.

Understanding the Basics of Pickleball


Pickleball is played on a court similar to a badminton court, using a paddle (smaller than a tennis racquet but larger than a ping-pong paddle) and a plastic ball with holes. Training should focus on mastering the equipment and the basic rules that define the game.

Key Techniques

  • Serving: Essential for starting play, requires precision and power.
  • Volley: Quick, short strokes made in the air, crucial for fast-paced exchanges.
  • Dink: A soft shot aimed at landing the ball just over the net in the opponent's non-volley zone.
  • Groundstroke: Hits taken after the ball bounces, fundamental for baseline play.

Creating a Personalized Training Plan

Setting Goals

Start by evaluating your current skill levels on the pickleball court to establish specific, achievable goals. Whether aiming to enhance your serve or master dinks, setting clear objectives is essential. These goals guide your practice, helping you focus on areas like improving your forehand or increasing your hand-eye coordination.

Training Balance

Develop a comprehensive training plan that encompasses all aspects of pickleball:

Technical Skills (Pickleball exercises): Focus on refining your serving, volleying, and groundstrokes to improve both power and accuracy.

Strategic Understanding: Learn effective shot selection and optimal court positioning to outmaneuver opponents.

Physical Conditioning: Build your core muscles, leg muscles, and overall endurance to enhance agility and strength. Technology, such as the AIM7 app, plays a crucial role in tailoring your training plan to meet your specific needs, enabling you to monitor your progress and adjust your regimen as you evolve.

Technical Skills Training


Concentrate on serving techniques that maximize power and accuracy, crucial for gaining the upper hand in matches. Regular practice of various serves can keep your opponents guessing and off-balance, essential for winning points early.


Enhancing your volleying skills is vital, as well as focusing on improving reaction time and precision. Engage in drills that replicate fast-paced volley exchanges to better handle rapid gameplay, which is crucial for maintaining control during volleys.


Master the art of dinking by practicing different angles and speeds is essential for strategic play near the net. Effective dinking with soft hands allows for precise placement, making it a critical skill in your arsenal.


Boost the consistency and power of your groundstrokes through dedicated practice focusing on your core and lower body strength. This training is fundamental for delivering powerful shots from the baseline.

Strategic Play and Game Intelligence

Game Strategies

Deepen your understanding of game strategies, such as deciding when to execute dinks versus power drives and reading your opponent’s positioning. Tailored drills can sharpen your strategic thinking and decision-making, enhancing your overall game intelligence.

Drills for Better Play

Incorporate specific drills that mimic real-game scenarios to refine your shot selection and strategic play. Focus on improving your agility and ability to quickly change direction, which are vital for effective court movement and positioning.

Physical Conditioning for Pickleball

Many pickleball players are solely focused on playing, neglecting the importance of off-court training — leading to muscle imbalances, poor movement patterns, and increased risk of injury. Without addressing these underlying issues through targeted strength and mobility training, pickleball players may find themselves sidelined by injuries or unable to improve their skills and perform at their best.

Strength Training for Primary Muscle Groups

Pickleball players should engage in at least two total body strength training sessions per week that target all the major muscle groups: chest, glutes, hamstrings, quads, lower back, lats, biceps, triceps, calves, and more. 

A well-designed resistance plan should target the major movement patterns: push, pull, hinge, squat, twist, and carry. These movements are functional for daily living and are the foundation of many sporting actions.

Push Push-ups, bench presses, overhead presses, chest press, etc.
Pull Pull-ups, ben-over rows, cable rows, etc.
Squat Barbell squat, kettlebell squat, hack squat, split squat, etc.
Hinge Deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, good mornings, etc.
Twist Medicine ball throws, landmine rotations, windshield wipers, etc.
Carry Farmer's walks, suitcase carries, zercher carries, etc.

Engage in strength training exercises like squats upper body strength exercises for that powerful backhand, kettlebell exercises, barbell/dumbbell lunges, and deadlifts to build the strength of your glutes and leg muscles, essential for powerful and sustained play. 

Don’t ignore bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and various lunging and crawling patterns, as they are highly effective strength training exercises.

Applications like AIM7 can provide convenient set and rep prescriptions to effectively progress your strength abilities and help prevent injury.

Agility Drills

Agility training is a type of exercise that focuses on improving an individual's ability to change direction, accelerate, decelerate, and maintain balance while moving quickly and efficiently. This type of training involves drills and exercises that challenge the body to react and adapt to various stimuli, such as fixed objects like cones, ladders, or obstacles or games with unpredictable movement patterns.

Agility training aims to enhance neuromuscular coordination, reflexes, and overall body control, allowing athletes to move with precision and speed in response to their environment or opponents.

For pickleball players, agility training is particularly beneficial because the sport requires quick side-to-side movements, sudden changes in direction, and the ability to react swiftly to the ball and opponents' actions. Pickleball is played on a smaller court compared to tennis, which means that players need to cover the court quickly and efficiently. 

By incorporating agility training into their fitness routine, pickleball players can improve their footwork, balance, and reaction time, enabling them to reach the ball faster and maintain a strong defensive and offensive presence on the court. Additionally, agility training can help reduce the risk of injuries by preparing the body to handle the demands of the sport and improving overall stability and control during rapid movements.

Endurance Training 

Endurance training is crucial for pickleball players, especially those participating in tournaments, as it enhances their cardiovascular fitness and stamina. Tournaments often involve playing multiple matches in a day, which can be physically and mentally taxing. 

By engaging in endurance training, such as running, cycling, or swimming, pickleball players can improve their cardiovascular endurance, enabling them to maintain a high level of performance throughout lengthy matches and tournaments. This type of training helps players to recover more quickly between points, maintain focus and concentration, and reduce fatigue, which is essential when competing against skilled opponents in high-pressure situations. 

Moreover, having a strong cardiovascular foundation can help pickleball players to execute their shots with greater consistency and power, even as the match progresses and fatigue sets in.

Adding just 60-90 minutes of extra cardio to your exercise routine will enhance your endurance and improve your overall health and well-being. 

Injury Prevention

Preventing injury is paramount for any athlete, and pickleball players are no exception. Mobility, flexibility, and balance exercises can improve range of motion and reduce the risk of falls and strains. 

Research indicates that improving mobility through targeted exercise programs can reduce the risk of injury in various sports. Mobility refers to the ability to move your joints through their full range of motion and to be strong and stable in those positions. 

For instance, a mobile pickleball player should be able to flex their hips, knees, and ankles at the kitchen line to return shots. An immobile player may place undue stress on their lower back from bowing at the waist instead of bending the hips, knees, and ankles to return shots.

There are several areas of the body where poor mobility can lead to pain and injury:

  • Ankles: essential for quick direction changes and to prevent ankle sprains
  • Hips: important hinging, squatting, and rotating 
  • Shoulders: crucial for overhead shots, serving, dinking, and more
  • Knees: critical for squatting and generating force to move quickly

If you are unfamiliar with mobility training, don’t worry. The AIM7 app offers 12-week mobility and prehab programs for shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, lower back, and more.

Regularly incorporating stretches that target the lower back, hamstrings, and shoulder blades can maintain muscle elasticity and prevent tightness. Balance-focused workouts that strengthen the core muscles and improve stability are also beneficial, as they help maintain proper court positioning and reduce the likelihood of awkward movements that could lead to injuries. 

Adopting a routine that includes a warm-up with dynamic stretching before play and a cool-down with static stretches afterward is essential to keep your body in top playing condition.

Practice Matches and Competitive Play

Practice matches play a critical role in transferring skills learned during training into real-game situations. They allow players to experiment with different strategies and techniques in a competitive setting. 

By recording and analyzing these practice games, players can identify areas of weakness and adjust their training focus accordingly. Competitive play also helps in building game intelligence, teaching players when and how to best execute shots like dinks and powerful serves. Regular match play against varied opponents will expose players to different styles, increasing adaptability and overall game acumen.

Mental Toughness and Psychology

The psychological aspect of pickleball cannot be underestimated. Developing mental toughness involves more than just staying focused during a game; it includes managing emotions, handling pressure, and maintaining motivation through both victories and defeats. 

Techniques such as visualization help players mentally rehearse their moves, anticipate opponent actions, and cultivate a winning mindset. Goal-setting is also crucial as it provides clear objectives and a roadmap to achieving them, thereby boosting confidence and providing motivation. 

Players should practice mindfulness and resilience-building exercises regularly to enhance their mental endurance and focus.

Nutrition and Recovery

Optimal performance in pickleball requires more than physical training and technique mastery; it also demands proper nutrition and recovery protocols. A diet rich in lean proteins helps repair and build muscle, while complex carbohydrates provide the energy needed for extended play and practice. 

Incorporating healthy fats aids in inflammation reduction and energy balance. Hydration plays a critical role in maintaining peak physical performance and should not be overlooked. Recovery is just as important as active training, with adequate sleep and rest days essential for allowing muscles to rebuild and strengthen.

Leveraging Technology for Training

Technology can significantly enhance training efficiency and effectiveness in pickleball. Apps like AIM7 offer personalized training programs that adapt to a player’s progress and goals. These platforms provide valuable analytics that track improvements in various aspects of player wellness. 

Virtual coaching and video analysis tools can offer insights that are often missed in real-time play. By integrating technology into training routines, players can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their performance and more rapidly develop their skills.

Joining the Pickleball Community

Being part of the pickleball community extends beyond just playing the game; it involves connecting with other enthusiasts, sharing experiences, and learning from one another. 

Local clubs and online forums are great venues for finding practice partners, discussing strategies, and staying updated on the latest in pickleball gear and techniques. 

Participating in community events can also offer opportunities to compete in tournaments, which are excellent for gauging skill levels against a broader field. Such interactions not only enhance social enjoyment of the sport but also foster a supportive environment that encourages growth and improvement in all aspects of pickleball.

Get a Personalized Pickleball Workout Plan 

Download the AIM7 app today for a comprehensive physical and mental training guide and personalized plans to enhance your pickleball game. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, these pro tips will help elevate your game to new heights.

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